Exam & Promotion

The school’s academic year is from 1st April to 31st March with the following breaks:
Summer Vacation6 WeeksMay/June
Autumn Break10 DaysSept./Oct.
Winter Break10 DaysDec./Jan.
Exact dates will be notified later

Examination & Promotion

Two unit tests and two terminal exams are held in an academic session.
1st Unit TestMay
1st Terminal ExaminationSeptember
2nd Unit TestDecember
Annual ExaminationMarch

School Year

The school’s managing committee awards scholarships to meritorious students who excel in academics, sports, & co-curricular activities.

  • The students who fail in any one subject are not given any rank.
  • Those who fail in two or more subjects will be detained in the same class.
  • Pass marks in each subject are 33% However , for classes IX to XI pass marks are 40%.
  • Use of unfair means in the examination will be severely dealt with.